Facts and Data
The population of the United States (US) is 331 Million people. The number of voting age residents in the US is 257 Million people (74M...

The Next Great President
The next Great President will be elected in 2020, 2024, or 2028. There will be an epic crisis that will challenge this president to prove...

Our Third Great President
Our third Great President was Franklin Roosevelt. He was also a great communicator and used the new radio medium to distinct advantage....

Our Second Great President
Our second Great President was Abraham Lincoln. He seemed to be larger than life. He was a great thinker and speaker, and he told great...

Our First Great President
Our first Great President was George Washington. George Washington was unique. At no time in history, before or since, has a...

Now available... The Next Great President
The second in my "cycles" trilogy is now available on Amazon.com

Coming Soon... The Next Great President
My second book in a trilogy about historical cycles is complete and about to be published. Look for it on Amazon.com soon!

Last blog for a while…
Family, friends, and followers, this will be my last blog article for some period of time. I will be focusing on finishing my next book,...

Will oil prices slow down the economy?
Oil prices have been rising since the end of last year to a six-month high, and have risen steadily higher for the past two months. ...

Could a rate cut launch the housing market?
Mortgage interest rates (for the standard 30-year fixed rate) have fallen about a half percent over the past six months, from 4.7% in...