How would 1970’s style inflation impact US home prices?
One of the driving factors of Real Estate prices is inflation. How would a 1970’s style inflation cycle impact US home prices? Before...

Soon Real Estate investments will "Eclipse" Stock Market investments
Those of you who follow this blog already know my thoughts about the coming Stock Market collapse. Will the same thing happen to the...

Real Estate is influenced by Inflation
Real Estate has come back from the financial crisis of 2008 and has recovered, and in some areas exceeded, the peak prices of 2006. This...

Is Real Estate in a new bubble?
Is Real Estate in a new bubble? According to ZeroHedge, a website and Twitter feed that I follow and have a lot of respect for, their...

Real Estate… there may never be a better time to buy…
I don’t believe we will see these types of home purchasing conditions – low interest rates and relatively cheap prices – for another 60...

What’s Next for Real Estate
This article shows where we are on the current real estate cycle, and describes where it is headed and what to expect in the near future.

The Real Estate Cycle
This article shows the historical evidence for the length and consistency of the real estate cycle. The period of the real estate cycle is 1

Will Real Estate ever recover from the Great Recession?
Housing starts is just one metric observed on a regular basis in the financial news, and it provides a barometer on the health of the...

Did deregulation cause the Savings & Loans debacle of the 1980s?
Government deregulation occurred throughout the 1980s, as part of President Reagan’s overall attempt to reduce the hand of government in...