Have the bears had their last roar, or is the market poised for more pain?
Stock market news this week has provided some interesting opinions on where the market is headed. After three straight days of gains,...

Is the Bear Market here and how long will he stay?
The definition of a Bear market is when stocks are down 20% or more from the previous highs. On October 3rd, the Dow peaked at 26,838. ...

Is it a correction, or something else?
On January 26, 2018, the Dow hit 26,616.71. Since then, there have been multiple 500 point or more drops in the Dow. Since a...

When will the Next Market Downturn occur?
Soon. Well, soon in a relative sense. The Stock Market cycle is 36 years long, and it is significantly affected by the Business cycle,...

Italian sweets and stock market tweets
Last week a friend of mine gave me a gift of Italian sweets that were cookies filled with chocolate crème – delicious! Last week was...

Is the "Trump bump" over?
If we are nearing a market peak, what can we do to protect our assets and secure our gains from the “Trump bump.”? One of the ways you...

Is it safe to invest in the current stock market?
With the stock market DJIA over 21,000 it makes one wonder - how long can this bull market go on? Most bull markets or bear markets last...

What's Next for the Stock Market
Typically, money moves to the site of highest returns. Currently, there seem to be no alternatives for good returns on investment than...