Does the Fed need to adjust its inflation target?
Matt O’Brien, in an article in the Washington Post yesterday, states that the Federal Reserve needs to rethink its inflation target of 2%....

Cleveland Fed: Inflation, the Yield Curve and GDP expectations
In this Goldilocks economy of low inflation, low unemployment, and good GDP growth, what could go wrong? Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome...

Fed Policy Course: middle of the road?
As expected, the Fed announced another quarter point interest rate hike. Fed guidance for further rate increases was also as expected:...

Inflation is taking a bite out of corporate profits, and could affect future earnings & stock pr
Two articles last week discussed recent corporate conference calls on earnings and quarterly profits. Both articles noted how...

The way to think about Inflation is “Time is Money”
I tweeted about three articles this week on inflation that focused on: 1) Americans are spending now, due to inflation expectations that...

Will the Fed rate hike the US into recession?
Typically, this late in the business cycle businesses are trying to squeeze the last drops out of profits to maintain revenues and keep...

All indications lead to higher inflation conclusion
Statements from the new Fed Chairman Powell indicate a hawkish stance to fight inflation, which is the first indication of its kind in a...

How long can the economy keep expanding, and when is the next recession?
How long can the good times last? The longest economic expansion on record was the 1990s computer productivity driven 10-year (120...

Wage inflation is occurring just as the Fed predicted and desired
Neel Kashkari, Minneapolis Fed President, stated in a speech on 9 January at Cargill University that the Fed was targeting lower...

The Fed and other central banks are making it rain $$ - what could go wrong?
As Janet Yellen attends her final meetings this week as the Federal Reserve Chairperson, economic conditions around the world seem to be...