What is going to be the next inflation trigger?
I stated in my book What’s Next for the Economy, that I expect an oil shock to be an inflation trigger in the not too distant future. ...

Does the Fed need to adjust its inflation target?
Matt O’Brien, in an article in the Washington Post yesterday, states that the Federal Reserve needs to rethink its inflation target of 2%....

Asset bubbles and inflation - what is the correlation?
Asset bubbles are created when an entity, such as the Federal Reserve, removes the moral hazard of investing and ownership in that asset...

Will a Fed rate pause incur additional inflation risk?
My last Inflation blog topic centered around Fed Chairman Powell’s upcoming (December) Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, and...

2018 Year-end summary, and a 2019 projection
2018 has been a year of highs and lows, and a particularly gyrating stock market (that I have likened to a roller-coaster ride in earlier...

The Inflation Fire is starting; will Fed Chairman Jay Powell put it out?
Like a California wildfire, the Inflation fire is just starting, but in due time it will consume billions of dollars’ worth of material...

Just in time for Halloween… the Inflation Zombie!
James Bullard, President and CEO of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, provides insight into Fed thinking in his message “Does Low...

Are Real Estate prices peaking?
Supply and demand have been driving the real estate market for the past several years. Supply has been tighter than years past, and...

Telltale signs of inflation percolation, and nobody is watching
Like the frog that’s taking a warm bath, but doesn’t know he’s actually the frog soup, inflation is percolating throughout the economy. ...

Real Estate: Is now a good time to buy?
A lot of recent articles in the media have commented about potential issues or warning signs in the Real Estate market. They point to...