Will Transportation Costs Fuel Inflation?
Multiple effects are leading to higher prices in the transportation industry. Fuel costs are one determinant of transportation pricing,...

The way to think about Inflation is “Time is Money”
I tweeted about three articles this week on inflation that focused on: 1) Americans are spending now, due to inflation expectations that...

Will the Fed rate hike the US into recession?
Typically, this late in the business cycle businesses are trying to squeeze the last drops out of profits to maintain revenues and keep...

All indications lead to higher inflation conclusion
Statements from the new Fed Chairman Powell indicate a hawkish stance to fight inflation, which is the first indication of its kind in a...

Real Estate is going higher, despite interest rates and other fears
There are many challenges to the real estate market at this time. First, interest rates have been climbing, mostly due to the Fed...

Wage inflation is occurring just as the Fed predicted and desired
Neel Kashkari, Minneapolis Fed President, stated in a speech on 9 January at Cargill University that the Fed was targeting lower...

The Fed and other central banks are making it rain $$ - what could go wrong?
As Janet Yellen attends her final meetings this week as the Federal Reserve Chairperson, economic conditions around the world seem to be...

Unemployment and Inflation - Where does it go from here?
The labor market is tight and unemployment numbers are at almost a 20-year low. This means that competition for labor resources is tight,...

2017 Year-end summary and a 2018 projection
2017 was an incredible year: we saw stock market valuations and indexes at all-time highs, a continuing rebound in real estate prices,...

Will energy prices rise enough to put pressure on inflation?
Jason Schenker, writing an opinion for Bloomberg View, states that oil and gas prices are set to rise in 2018, due to OPEC setting oil...