Are Real Estate prices peaking?
Supply and demand have been driving the real estate market for the past several years. Supply has been tighter than years past, and...

Where is the market headed?
About a month ago, I wrote an article for this blog that asked the question: is it a correction, or something else? That something else...

Playing chicken in the stock market
Just like any other market of buyers and sellers, the stock market has winners and losers. The winners are the people who get the best...

When will the Next Market Downturn occur?
Soon. Well, soon in a relative sense. The Stock Market cycle is 36 years long, and it is significantly affected by the Business cycle,...

Fundamentals in Business
The business cycle is a critical and fundamental element of macroeconomics. It is the basis of many economic decisions and the primary...

The Stock Market is affected by the Business cycle
The stock market has a 36-year cycle that is extremely sensitive to the 9-year business cycle, and is affected by the expansion-recession...

Is Dow 100,000 possible?
The short answer is Yes. The better question is: When will the Dow be at 100,000? The answer to that question is a little more...

Is it safe to invest in the current stock market?
With the stock market DJIA over 21,000 it makes one wonder - how long can this bull market go on? Most bull markets or bear markets last...

Real Estate… there may never be a better time to buy…
I don’t believe we will see these types of home purchasing conditions – low interest rates and relatively cheap prices – for another 60...

What's Next for the Stock Market
Typically, money moves to the site of highest returns. Currently, there seem to be no alternatives for good returns on investment than...