Carpe Diem - “Seize the Day” and make a better tomorrow
The old Latin phrase Carpe Diem, translated as “Seize the Day,” sometimes gets loosely translated to the modern expression “you only live...

New stock market highs: is the upside potential worth the downside risk?
As of August 8, 2018, the S&P is at 2858, only 14 points (0.5%) away from its all-time high of 2872. The NASDAQ ended today at 7888,...

Is it a correction, or something else?
On January 26, 2018, the Dow hit 26,616.71. Since then, there have been multiple 500 point or more drops in the Dow. Since a...

Another day, Another historic Stock Market milestone
The stock market has been going up like a rocket, setting new all-time highs as a weekly, and sometimes daily, occurrence. What is the...

2017 Year-end summary and a 2018 projection
2017 was an incredible year: we saw stock market valuations and indexes at all-time highs, a continuing rebound in real estate prices,...

Playing chicken in the stock market
Just like any other market of buyers and sellers, the stock market has winners and losers. The winners are the people who get the best...

What effect will tax reform have on the Stock Market?
Tax law changes can have a significant effect on the economy, and on the stock market in particular. What is more concerning is not if...

The Never-ending Bull
Like a bull charging the bullfighter’s cape, the stock market is on a rampage, flying through the air and through successive stock market...

When will the Next Market Downturn occur?
Soon. Well, soon in a relative sense. The Stock Market cycle is 36 years long, and it is significantly affected by the Business cycle,...

Soon Real Estate investments will "Eclipse" Stock Market investments
Those of you who follow this blog already know my thoughts about the coming Stock Market collapse. Will the same thing happen to the...