Does a slowing economy mean a recession is around the corner?
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said the economy was “healthy” and conditions “favorable” but warned of potential headwinds and future...

Wage inflation is occurring just as the Fed predicted and desired
Neel Kashkari, Minneapolis Fed President, stated in a speech on 9 January at Cargill University that the Fed was targeting lower...

The Fed and other central banks are making it rain $$ - what could go wrong?
As Janet Yellen attends her final meetings this week as the Federal Reserve Chairperson, economic conditions around the world seem to be...

Unemployment and Inflation - Where does it go from here?
The labor market is tight and unemployment numbers are at almost a 20-year low. This means that competition for labor resources is tight,...

What effect will tax reform have on Business?
In its current form, the proposed tax law changes should reduce costs and increase profit. This is because the highest corporate tax...

The Never-ending Bull
Like a bull charging the bullfighter’s cape, the stock market is on a rampage, flying through the air and through successive stock market...

The Punch Bowl
The great Fed Chairman Bill Martin was quoted as saying his job was to “take away the punch bowl, just as the party is getting good.” [1]...

Toys R Us Bankruptcy – more to come?
It’s as inevitable as father time – another brick and mortar store bites the dust as retailers deal with the all-encompassing reach and...

The case for – and against – Inflation.
Readers of this blog are well aware of my views on inflation. Sometimes, I even feel like chicken little, because the case for inflation...